Portable Scuba Diving Programs
For PC Windows programs see here
Blender for IPAQ
The Blender program was based on reading up on the work of
Van der Waals on real gases rather than the ideal
gas. Using this program I routinely blend 300bar Nitrox and trimix breathing
Fill in the current contents of the cylinder and the required contents and it
will generate the actions to obtain it. The menu on the Mode at the
bottom offers you the ability to switch it back to the Ideal gas laws we all
learned in OW and a tick to say if you want to add helium first if blending a
mix that requires both helium and oxygen. The Exit command is also on the
The most recently blended mix is retained in the system registry so restarting
the program should return you to where you left off.
If you know enough to be blending gases then you know enough to measure the
mix before breathing it but also beware of assuming that the previous mix is
what it says on the label.
Please note: The current program uses volume in litres and pressure in
bar. Currently there are no plans for cu ft and psi.
NB: This program will never change now as my IPAQ died several years ago but I
was asked to leave this page up by people that used it.
Download iBlender.zip, unzip it and copy to the
I put it in "My Device" | "Program Files" | "Nigel" (I created the "Nigel"
folder to match all the other programs that are in a folder by the supplier's
Then click-and-hold on it to get the pop-up menu and select "Copy".
Then go to "My Device" | "Windows" | "Start Menu" and click-and-hold in
open space and select "Paste Shortcut". Click-and-hold on that and
select "Rename" to make it "Blender" not "Shortcut to Blender".
After that it should appear on the start menu like a good little program.
Blender for Android

This is the same thing again only different because the IPAQ was getting old
and tired but I needed this stuff... However I now have a smart phone and once
I learnt that Apple is not your friend I went Android. Now I'm not a Java
programmer and the web tutorials were uniformly rubbish until I found one that
just went click-click-click here's an app. I can work with that as I've been
programming computers professionally for over 40 years and I want text files
not GUIs. Once I have code that compiles I have Google to make up for the
pathetic lack of manuals...
OK, so again it's written for me and hence it has been tested on a sequence of
Samsung S4/6/8 over the years as the development test bed and has been
downloaded from the web site onto a slightly dubious old 'Superpad' tablet that
I bought cheap to see what Android was like but who knows what else it will run
on? The display is set to scroll if required so if your screen is shorter than
mine you can get down to the bottom easily enough. To use it you just enter the
values you want and it reworks the values when you 'click' the Calc
It started with the same code as the IPAQ version and I put them next to one
another and always got the same results so I have moved my source of blending
instructions to the phone. I offer no other promises other than 'it works for
me'. Yes, I'm sure it could be made wonderful and pretty with 'roll the value'
inputs but I can't be bothered. This version is a rebuild in 2018 and has
migrated through versions of Android Studio over the years due to the Google
not being smart enough to write backward compatible code. On the last rewrite I
used the Android NDK to chop in proper C++ code to do the mission critical bit,
this is life support remember - your life, but Android will never be a Java
Free Zone.
Use the Menu, the three dots thing, to select the Decanter planner. This will
tell you what to expect if you fill one cylinder of mix from another with or
without a needle valve or even a booster.
There are three values on the Settings page you can tweak if you like:
Firstly my Air Products supply cylinders are 50L as are many others
are. I use this to calculate the starting supply pressures.
Secondly I consider the temperature to be uniformly 20°C. This is obviously
not true but doesn't really matter. What does matter is that you let things
cool back towards the starting pressure if you want it to be really accurate.
See my stuff on heat for a full explanation and why it is often near enough if
you don't.
If you don't understand downloading software to android please don't try. I am
not going to be able to help clean up the mess if you brick something by being
clumsy. On my S8 it likes its .apk files to be in
Download/received_files before it is even prepared to consider loading
Download blender.apk and your phone/tablet should
understand it as it has all the required signatures and manifests. If you
download it should first give a warning then a message on the top bar
saying you have downloaded it. Select this to be asked if you meant to install
it. That should put it in your installed program pages. You can then put it on
your main pages if you so wish. Current Android releases default to only
downloading from their approved places but ask if you want to change this.
All programs here ©Copyright Nigel V. Hewitt 2000/2018. No
promises that they work or even give safe results are made. They are free
and worth nothing more than that. If anybody tries to charge you for them,
other than a reasonable price for the media they are supplied on, then demand
your money back in an unreasonable and unfriendly manner. You use them at your
own risk as part of range of diving tools - do not use any results without
independent corroboration that they are safe.
Report bugs to
or get your executor to do so.

by Nigel Hewitt
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