Detachable counterlungs

I blame Brent.
It wasn't my idea it was his.
Wouldn't it be a good idea if you could take off the counter lungs....

Well let's think about that. There have been more than a time or two when doing a proper clean and disinfect on weeks diving has been a bit of a problem as I've been staying in the better class of hotel so walking the dripping wet, just ex-dive rebreather up to my posh room and dumping it in the bath for a scrub sown has seemed a bit edgy and walking it back down next morning, ex-bath so still wet has seemed worse. Now if I could just click off the counter lungs and throw them in the bag with my under suit which is going for an airing, flush them out in the sink and hang then out to dry, that would be much better.

p3200199.jpg I was tempted. When he pushed me I caved in and sent them off.

Well pulling things to bits wasn't hard. I'm good at that sort of thing. I sent them off on a Friday and the following Saturday they arrive back, well the postman left a 'while you were out card' but they tried. By this time the obvious pile of bits had become a bit unobvious and was beginning to look like one of those wooden Chinese puzzles where you remember how the last magic key bit slots in but the rest of it seems to elude your memory.

Pretty aren't they?
The little clips sit almost at the back of your neck and while they are not visible until you poke your fingers into things they are instantly accessible.

Right time to put it back together with a big clean.
Find the Viakal for the lime scale, Trigene for the lungs and some nice new silicon grease for all the O-rings and things.

Here are the rest of the pictures. Bits, tools, lungs on test and the whole lot back together and dumped on the sofa. I dived it in the pool so it's all ready to go to sea again at the next opportunity.

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by Nigel Hewitt