UKRS 2003 annual meet at Stoney Cove
About 30 of us idiots trundled up to Stoney Cove for the traditional UKRS
(uk.rec.scuba newsgroup) Icebreakers meet on the first weekend of
the new year. Stoney was quiet for a weekend - perhaps everybody else had heard
about the snow but we don't let a little thing like that stop us.
The new Digs look (she looks sweet in yellow)
On the Saterday Dave was taked into trying a twinset by PeteS. Pete however
didn't stay for Sunday but I had the 10/300s in the car and they had 120bar
in them so that's a dive. Dave was sporting enough to take us up on it.
However my rig is not a conventional set as it has special hoses to allow
me to dive the set inverted as I feel far more confident to do a shutdown
that way.