UKRS All comers 2003
Chris Bell arranged it. 24 of us on two boats. He must be a glutton for punishment.

We all arrived, well we lost one before we started but that's actually quite good for UKRS.

Yes. I had too much kit as usual

Louise Thompson ran a How to assemble your twinset demonstration and
probably had more people watching than some American doing the same thing on
the top deck.

This is Maverick. The other boat.

The trouble with diving with Danny is that he's a big lad and he's too fast for me at times...

This is just a bunch of pictures of the dive on the Bows of the Black Hawk. The visibility was at
best 4 meters and often worse so the pictures are nothing special.

Top Gun has a lift. We have lots of pictures of people coming up lifts from above but I tried to
do some from below as this is how we approach it. However it probably wants a flatter than flat calm
day to do that. I'll try again later.

After the end of the first day Al confessed that he ears were getting blocked
beyond Sudafed and he was going to have to miss diving on Sunday. "Good" said
Jason sympathetically. "You can be our boat bitch."
Al actually risked introducing us to his girlfriend.

Diving the Fennel on Sunday was just like I remembered it from last time. You move over this
pile of boiler shaped rocks thinking there must be a wreck here somewhere (actually there
are three!) but you never find one.

No he isn't holding it. Centrifugal scrubber compacting wasn't covered on my turtle course.

Al couldn't finish a dive trip without breaking something. I'm sure it wasn't deliberate.
Lots of people can sit on chairs and they remain intact for years. It's just a natural talent.
Thanks to Chris for doing the work and committing the money and to all the others for
contributing to a really fun weekend.
The pictures can be accessed by clicking the thumbnail but they tend to be 900K+ files
Pictures by Nigel Hewitt

by Nigel Hewitt