Daniel's July Girl Grey trip
It was all a normal, pretty uneventful dive trip on a relatively calm sunny day.
The City of Waterford, sunk 1949 so relatively intact. 35m into the scour on this
tide and 5m tall. 7 to 10m vis.

...until one of our divers has something run away with him and missed 27
minutes of stops.
His buddy who had merely missed 2 minutes was taken too as a precautionary measure.
Danny Burchett's report after he collected them from the hospital in Portsmouth:
They are both now at home, they were blown down on RN table 61,
roughly US Navy table 5. Both divers exhibited no symptoms of DCS, this
in the case of 2 minutes missed is perhaps not that surprising, however
in 27 minutes missed with a rapid ascent is more so! I asked the doctor
at the recompression facility why and the answer I got was that he was
put straight on to O2, if not he stood a MUCH greater chance of a bend.
The chopper dropped them at Horsea Island where (after a short wait) an
ambulance picked them up and took them to the Queen Alexandra hospital
in Cosham. After investigation due to the time missed it was decided
that the diver with the 27 minutes missed needed to be blown down, it
was a toss up between table 61 and 62, they went for the shorter table
61 as there were no symptoms of DCS. Whilst the chamber was going down
anyway it was decided to put the other diver in as well as a
precautionary measure.
We have the profile plot of the dive that caused all the grief. It is
a dump from an Aladin SCR computer so you can
see the O2 readout at a consistant 30% for a 40 minute bimble over a 5 to 6 meter
tall wreck coming to an abrupt end.
The pictures can be accessed by clicking the thumbnail but they tend to be 900K+ files
Pictures by Nigel Hewitt/Danny Burchett
Thumbnails by Easy Thumbnails

by Nigel Hewitt