# mill Z axis top plate # ===================== # This is used to create millx.txt by macro expansion # and that feeds into LibreCAD to do the drawing # Start LibreCAD File | New # Click the 'three lines' icon in the Command: window Load command file # outline # ======= # width { wide = 175 } # height { high=125 } line;0,0;{wide},0;{wide},{high};0,{high};0,0;k; za; # top of motor # ============ # motor X { mx=35 } # motor Y { my=35 } # length of slots { slot=5 } point;{mx-slot/2},{my}; # radius of slot { mr=19.5 } arc;@0,-{mr};@-{mr},{mr};@{mr},{mr}; line;@0,0;@{slot},0; arc;@0,0;@{mr},-{mr};@-{mr},-{mr}; line;@0,0;@-{slot},0;k # XY offsets of bolt holes { bh=23.7 } # bolt radius { br=2.5 } point;{mx-slot/2-bh},{my-bh}; arc;@0,-{br};@-{br},{br};@{br},{br}; line;@0,0;@{slot},0; arc;@0,0;@{br},-{br};@-{br},-{br}; line;@0,0;@-{slot},0;k point;{mx-slot/2+bh},{my-bh}; arc;@0,-{br};@-{br},{br};@{br},{br}; line;@0,0;@{slot},0; arc;@0,0;@{br},-{br};@-{br},-{br}; line;@0,0;@-{slot},0;k point;{mx-slot/2+bh},{my+bh}; arc;@0,-{br};@-{br},{br};@{br},{br}; line;@0,0;@{slot},0; arc;@0,0;@{br},-{br};@-{br},-{br}; line;@0,0;@-{slot},0;k point;{mx-slot/2-bh},{my+bh}; arc;@0,-{br};@-{br},{br};@{br},{br}; line;@0,0;@{slot},0; arc;@0,0;@{br},-{br};@-{br},-{br}; line;@0,0;@-{slot},0;k # top of screw # ============ # belt between centres { belt=98.14 } # Y displacement of centres { ay=50.0 } # X displacement of centre { ax=84.45 } # spacing of 'front' bolts { b=78.0 } # spacing of 'rear' bolts { c=63.8 } k; # 40mm diam main hole ci;{mx+ax},{my+ay};@0,{40/2};k; # displace 'rear' holes 23.5mm ci;@-{c/2},-23.5;@0,{8/2};k; ci;@{c},0;@0,{8/2};k; # front holes 50.5mm from rear ci;@{(b-c)/2},50.5;@0,{8/2};k; ci;@-{b},0;@0,{8/2};k; # cover bolt # ========== ci;{wide-75},35;@0,5/2;k; # cable gland # =========== ci;{wide-18},18;@0,20/2;k; # cable grommet # =========== ci;80,30;@0,6.5/2;k; # cable clip screws # ================= ci;{wide-51},30+15;@0,2;k; ci;{wide-51},30-15;@0,2;k; #finished