// Electrical box Top $fa = 1; $fs = 0.4; // !! This prints up side down so it flips about X in use // !! Hence the actual front is at the back in this view $wide = 116; $deep = 146; $high = 8; $wall = 5; $base = 4; $bolt_high = $base+4; // the hole is for a melt-in M3 nut $bolt_pos = 25; difference(){ union(){ cube([$wide, $deep, $base]); translate([$wall, $wall, $base]) cube([$wide-2*$wall, $wall, $high]); translate([$wall, $deep-2*$wall, $base]) cube([$wide-2*$wall, $wall, $high]); translate([$wall, $wall, $base]) cube([$wall, $deep-2*$wall, $high]); translate([$wide-2*$wall, $wall, $base]) cube([$wall, $deep-2*$wall, $high]); } // the holes are measured to fit the botch job I did // of drilling the existing power box. translate([17, 41, -0.1]) // mounting holes BL cylinder(d=5, h=$base+0.2); // translate([17, 41, $base]) // cutout in wall for above // cylinder(d=10, h=$high+0.2); translate([17, 125, -0.1]) // TL cylinder(d=5, h=$base+0.2); translate([98, 49, -0.1]) // BR cylinder(d=5, h=$base+0.2); translate([98, 128, -0.1]) // TR cylinder(d=5, h=$base+0.2); translate([18, 54, -0.1]) // earthing bolt clearance cylinder(d=8, h=$base+0.2); translate([67, 63, -0.1]) // filter bolt clearance B cylinder(d=7, h=$base+0.2); translate([68, 102, -0.1]) // T cylinder(d=7, h=$base+0.2); translate([28, 106, -0.1]) // wiring entry cylinder(d=17, h=5); // the cover bolts are retained by M3x4.8x5.0 hot inserted ferruls translate([$bolt_pos, $wall-0.1, $bolt_high]) // cover bolt hole BL rotate([-90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d=4, h=$wall+.2); translate([$bolt_pos, $deep-2*$wall-0.1, $bolt_high]) // TL rotate([-90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d=4, h=$wall+.2); translate([$wide-$bolt_pos, $wall-0.1, $bolt_high]) // BR rotate([-90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d=4, h=$wall+.2); translate([$wide-$bolt_pos, $deep-2*$wall-0.1, $bolt_high]) // TR rotate([-90, 0, 0]) cylinder(d=4, h=$wall+.2); }